Heeaart 희아아트

Hi, welcome to my website.

Heeaart is mixture of my mother's name JongHee, my name JungA and art. It's also from heart.

I am a Korean artist and paint love with wildlife, specially mother & baby animals.

My dream is through these artworks I will be able to inspire humanity to preserve more of these wonderful creatures and nature on this planet Earth.

Astonished by the shear abundance and variety of life, the beauty and form of these creatures, truly needs to be appreciated and preserved.

All of my works are dedicated to motherhood, for it is my mother who has given me the confidence and inspiration to follow my dreams.

I am truly thankful 엄마, for the endless supply of love and unwavering support throughout my life. 

No words can express what this has meant to me, so hopefully through the beauty of my art, I can reveal what is held in my heart.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my website, I hope you have enjoyed my works.

Best Wishes

JungA Kwon